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Speech Pathology at Eastern Therapy Hub focuses on empowering individuals with effective communication and feeding skills. We work with people of all ages to improve speech, language, feeding and social abilities, addressing a range of needs from stuttering and articulation to literacy, social skills and fussy eaters.

Our experienced team provides evidence-based, personalised therapy to build confidence and foster independence in both personal and social interactions. Whether supporting early language development in children or helping adults overcome communication barriers, our goal is to enhance each client's ability to connect with the world around them.

Learn more about the individual areas of Speech Pathology we offer below.


Stuttering (or dysfluency) is a speech difficulty characterised by interruptions to the rhythm and flow of speech. Stuttering behaviours may include repetitions of parts of words, whole words and phrases, as well as sound prolongations or ‘blocking’ where a sound appears to be stuck. Secondary behaviours may also present, such as tense body movements or excessive use of fillers (e.g. “um”). Stuttering is associated with negative social, psychological and anxiety-related conditions, and should be treated as early as possible.

Stuttering treatment is aimed at improving fluency of speech and helping you to achieve clearer communication. Our treatment uses the most advanced methods and is for people of all ages: children, adolescents and adults. If you can’t make it into the clinic, telehealth options are available via encrypted software such as Zoom.

Speech and Articulation

All children develop speech at a different rate, but most children meet milestones by a certain age. By age 3, most of a child’s speech should be understood by family and friends. Sometimes children are diagnosed with speech sound difficulties, including articulation and phonological difficulties and childhood apraxia of speech.

Our speech pathologists can assess your child to determine if their speech development is appropriate for their age, and deliver evidence-based intervention approaches for children who are experiencing communication difficulties.

Early Language Development

Children begin to learn from the moment they are born; first receptive language (understanding what they hear) and then expressive language skills (speaking and communicating verbally). Each child learns and masters skills at different rates, but most children should reach communication milestones by certain ages.

If you aren’t sure whether your child’s language is developing typically, our speech pathologists can assess language delays, and provide advice and treatment around language development. Treatment focuses on teaching parents and children techniques to understand and communicate more meaningfully with the world around them.


Literacy is a vital skillset for all ages. Our Speech Pathologists use the best evidence-based synthetic phonics approach to help you or your child develop reading, writing, spelling and phonics to a higher standard, which provides the tools to succeed in the classroom, workplace and home.

Literacy is something that children, adolescents or adults can struggle with, for a wide variety of reasons. Our lessons are therefore custom-designed to each client’s needs to provide you with the learning method that works for you.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a form of neurodivergence, and can often go hand-in-hand with language delays or differences. Our speech therapy services for people with a diagnosis of ASD addresses how this may affect a person’s ability to communicate, and is aimed at teaching essential speaking, listening and social confidence.

The NDIS offers support for those with a diagnosis of ASD.

Receptive and Expressive Language

Successful engagement in spoken language requires understanding of directions, questions and different types of word and sentence structures, as well as the ability to express information, formulate ideas, and ask questions. 

Children, adolescents and adults can experience language difficulties at any age, which can impact learning, concept of self, behaviour and ability to interact with others. Our speech pathologists offer comprehensive services for assessment, diagnosis and intervention for all those experiencing language difficulties.


A voice disorder occurs when voice quality, pitch, and loudness differ or are inappropriate for an individual's age, gender, cultural background, or geographic location. A voice disorder is present when an individual expresses concern about having an abnormal voice that does not meet daily needs—even if others do not perceive it as different or deviant.

Eastern Therapy Hub can treat your voice disorder and leave you feeling more satisfied and comfortable with the way you sound.

Paediatric Feeding

Parents and caregivers of children who struggle with eating often face a complex and frustrating challenge. Feeding difficulties can arise from various factors, making it difficult to identify a single solution. The intricate relationship between a child’s experience with food and their ability to eat requires careful assessment and a personalized approach.

At Eastern Therapy Hub, our clinicians specialize in Responsive Feeding, the SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) Approach to Feeding, and Oral Motor Sensory Training. These evidence-based methods are designed to address a wide range of feeding challenges, providing tailored support for families.

Our services may be beneficial if your child:

  • Is a fussy eater.
  • Experiences poor weight gain.
  • Spits out food, vomits, gags, or has food or drink coming out of their nose during eating.
  • Faces frequent mealtime battles.
  • Struggles to transition from purees to solids by 12 months of age.
  • Has not weaned off baby foods by 18 months of age.
  • Avoids or shows aversion to specific textures or nutrition groups.
  • Does not eat the same meals as the rest of the family.
  • Has meltdowns or cries during mealtimes.
  • Has a very limited or restricted diet (fewer than 20 foods).

With our expertise, we aim to help your child develop a healthier, more enjoyable relationship with food and mealtimes, fostering positive experiences for the whole family.

Adult Swallowing

Swallowing difficulties, known as dysphagia, can occur as a result of stroke, progressive neurological disorders, or advanced age.

At Eastern Speech Pathology we offer swallowing assessments, texture modification recommendations, and mealtime reviews.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Children and adults with severe speech or language problems may need to find other ways to communicate besides talking. AAC refers to all these alternative and augmentative ways of communicating, including gestures, symbol boards, communication books, AAC apps, and communication devices.

The first “A” in AAC stands for Augmentative Communication. When you augment something, you add to it or supplement. Augmentative communication is when you add something to your speech (eg. sign language, pictures, a letter board). This can make your message clearer to your listener.

The second “A” in AAC stands for Alternative Communication. This is when you are not able to speak. It is also when your speech is not understood by others. In this case, you need a different way to communicate.

At Eastern Speech Pathology, we can work closely with you, your family, teachers, and support staff to implement functional AAC approaches in all settings.

How can I get started?

If you or someone you know could benefit from Speech Pathology at Eastern Therapy Hub, we encourage you to get in touch with our friendly team. We offer individual sessions, group programs, and tailored interventions to meet the unique needs of our clients. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our Speech Pathology services.

To learn more about Speech Pathology at Eastern Therapy Hub, use our booking form on this page, or give us a call 03 9599 2777.

Meet our Speech Pathology team

Scott McNabb
Speech Pathologist/Director
Senior Speech Pathologist
Senior Speech Pathologist
Senior Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist
Canon 0095
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist

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